Greetings Everyone!
We are honored to have gathered in Fellowship to venerate the Orisha and receive the Wisdom of Ifa on Tuesday.
Ifa spoke to Temple Otuurupon Gunda through the Holy Odu Odi Iwori. We are not engaging in anything that tries to take us out of our peace. With the fans out, we are minding our business and staying calm and cool.
Odi Iwori came to us in Ire! Oyeku Owonrin came with the message of Ire.
Before I go into the direct messages for us. Our Oluwo cast Itadogun for Irentegbe Temple. This message actually aligns to us as well. I love how the messages go together.
Ose Osa - Irentegbe Temple
We are being advised to be mindful of our health this cycle. Sickness was predicted.
During this cycle, we are being called to give veneration to the mothers, Iyami Osoronga.
The Awos divined Ifá for Ọ̀sọ̀láké who was venturing to wage war against Ìlóbìnrìn town.
Ọ̀sọ̀láké was a warrior. Twice he had gone to wage war against Ìlóbìnrìn but did not see a single soul in the town. When he was going for the third time, he decided to consult Ifá to know if he would come away with any spoil. He was advised to offer ebo. Ọ̀sọ̀láké made the sacrifice. He was advised that the inhabitants of the town were women and could not be fought with Force. He was told that he should go with drums, wearing good flowing robes and go with only three other Warriors and they should also go with a white whisk.
He did as directed. He and the other three Warriors and the drummers were nicely dressed and they entered the town drumming and dancing. They entered with songs. When they entered the town, the women came out in masses and danced with them. Many of them wanted to go to their homes with them. 20 women had clung to Ọ̀sọ̀láké alone and likewise they did with the others. They danced to the home of their leader and they were heavily entertained. Their leader agreed with those who wished to go with Ọ̀sọ̀láké. She said that she could not leave her throne but if any of them was willing to stay with her she would be happy. One of the drummers stayed with her. The Queen told him that some other people who did not want to see women had come to them with war but had not seen anyone. However, Ọ̀sọ̀láké and his Entourage had destroyed their war garments and the garments had lost their potency. The Queen said it was only a patient, cheerful, and patient presentable person that women could follow and that was why they loved Ọ̀sọ̀láké and his people. Ọ̀sọ̀láké and his men were followed by almost 200 women bringing food and valuables. They were all happy.
"Ọ̀sọ̀láké fought and won the war of women."
Why do you believe IFA gave us this message?
What do you hear Ifá saying to us?
• Do not snatch woman's spouse.
• Do not allow two men to fight over you.
• Do not pick facts with your spouse
• Do not give your spouse any reason to be insecure.
• (for the men) Be gentle when speaking with women. Do not use Force.
• DRESS!!! Do not go out poorly dressed. We are advised to "present" ourselves.
Akose: Tútùopon (waistbeads are being made by Oluwo) for Orunmila's protection and Eyonu (This is something that will be made to go with the waistbeads) for positive favor of Iyami Osoronga.
Ebo: Donations to the community ebo can be made in multiples of $20
CashApp $TegbeTemple
Venmo @Irentegbe_Temple
PayPal iaboipictures@gmail.com
Odi Iwori - Our Direct Message
Rebirth leads to transformation or weakness leads to conflict.
Visual Highlights and Messages
Odi - The Seal, Rebirth of consciousness
Feminine energy in the masculine leg
Needing to bring more feminine into our physical existence
Needing feminine energy in order to get things done
Either a feeling of stillness or being contained
Needing to contain something, or have clear boundaries set
Rebirth - what is wanting to be born
Odi - Spring Equinox -This actually occurs during this Itadogun Cycle
Spring Zodiac signs - Aries, Taurus, Gemini
New Moon in Aries - Solar Eclipse
Be mindful of s3xual energy and partners
Iwori - The Deep Seer, Transformation
Masculine Energy in the feminine leg
Taking inspired action
What changes is this rebirth bringing?
How has your philosophy in life changed?
Taking care of our Ori
Paying attention to our dreams, trusting our inner knowing
Deep Seer - looking beneath the surface
Iwori - Fall Equinox - Lunar Cycle is actually around 6 months
Fall Equinox Signs - Virgo, Libra, Scorpio
March 14th Lunar Eclipse in Virgo
Clairvoyance may be more active
Balance of Feminine and Masculine Energy in Heaven and Earth
Child like energy - think like Pages in Tarot - new Beginnings
Odi Iwori is right at the beginning of the book of Iwori
Messages from the Itans and Commentary
Follow the Wisdom of Ifa - Even if you aren't an active practitioner this is something anyone can do
Ebo ot end tough times and achieve wealth
Warnings against laziness
Be mindful of the company you keep
Avoid ignorance
Use it or lose it - Wisdom and Power
Necessity of developing our intellect
Ignoring potential rivals in business or in relationships
Giving an offering to not be relegated to a position of lesser importance
Successful travel with ebo
Being guided by our Ori
Being courteous to visitors
Being mindful of our anger
"Your attitude can effect your latitude"
Observe all advisories given
Don't let chasing behind some tail keep you from your blessings
Don't follow strange people to unknown destinations
Success in business
Itans - What do you hear Ifa saying to us as a Collective?
Divination was done for Elemere who was going to Oje for divination. He was going to have a successful trip but was told don't show any anger when insulted. Oje Town's King also got divination for his town and told them not to be rude to visitors.
Elemere gets to Oje and stops at the first house. He gives them a greeting customary of a preist. They respond in a way that is customary for how you great a priest. Elemere lets them know he's in town for divination and needs a place to stay. They tell him there is no room for a priest in their home. Elemere leaves and goes to the next house.
Again, Elemere gives the customary greeting. This family did not know the protocols for a priest. They did, however, offer him food and drink. They advised they didn't have a vacant room, however they would take him to the King. There he stays in the palace.
Three months later, the couple from the original house has a problem. The wife has been in active labor for 4 days. There is concern for her and the baby. The family from the second huse took the wife to Elemere. Once there the wife immediately gives birth. The husband is so excited and apologizes for their rude behavior. Elemere advises it is ok, however had he been at their house this wouldn't have happened. And had he left the village, the wife would have died. Elemere also advised that enemies would have conspired to see the husband implicated. The man thanked Elemere, gave him new clothes and built him a house in their neighborhood.
There was a trader named Oloko. Oloko loved the ladies. He wanted to be successful at his business though. Oloko consults Ifa and is advised he will be successful. He needs to give an offering, and is told to not follow any woman to her father's home. Oloko figures the advisory is about his wife and gives the offering.
He goes to the market and is very successful. He's counting his money when 3 beautiful women come by. Oloko completely stops counting his money. He tells the most beautiful of the three to be his wife. She agrees and tells Oloko to follow them. Oloko proceeds because he needs tomee the father of hi new wife. Oloko has no idea the three women are spirits. After awhile he hears spirits singing to go back or he will be killed. He doesn't listen and continues to follow them. Oloko ends up getting to a place and is killed by a wild animal.
No getting angry
Be courteous to visitors
Give offerings before travel
Quit playing with "dead" things
Use your intelligence
Watch the company you keep
Don't leave the house looking shabby
Follow advisories
Ori Cleanse - Group Cleanse happening on March 16th 3pm EST - send email to be added to the invite
If you can not make the group session, book a cleanse directly
Suggestion - Complete Head and Heart Ritual
Beef Jerky and Goat - Given to Ifa by your hands
Akose - Black Soap made by Iya
Contribution - $48
Cash App $niyahsgardenllc
Venmo NiyahShalom
PayPal niyahsgardenllc@outlook.com
Bonus = Based on the Itadoun Chart
Life Path 4 (Earth sign energy)
Standout Placements
Rising - Taurus
Need to look like money, smell like money, walk like money, even talk like money
Be mindful of our diet
Very feminine energy
Moon - Leo Moon 4th House
Pisces Stellium - Sun, Saturn, Neptune, North Node - 11th House
Song - "Dream... Dream ... dream dream... dream...."
Capricorn MC - 9th House conjunct Pluto
Jupiter 2nd House - Gemini
Curious how we will see this manifest.
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