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Ebo - Offerings in Religious Practice

Writer's picture: Iya Owinni Adina Fa Omi Sango Iya Owinni Adina Fa Omi Sango

During the blog I wrote about Ofo Ase, I mention Offerings. I wanted to talk some about that.

Ebo, as it is referred to in Yoruba spirituality, is often translated to mean Sacrifice. This limits the idea of an ebo to being tangible or slaughtering an animal. In some instances, the ebo could be neither one of those. For instance, the blogs I wrote yesterday (they posted last week) were my ebo.

Ebo is about the exchange of energy. There is a give and take throughout the universe. Push and pull. This concept of giving when receiving is not limited to Yoruba or African based religions. Many cultures and traditions have some form of offering that is given.

The difference that I've noticed is the why behind it when you look at African or other Indigenous religious systems, and Abrahamic religions.

I didn't grow up Christian but I heard they pass around a collection plate or they Tithe. As I got ready to write I looked up the idea of tithing. Now tithing as it was called, was a tax levied on the people to pay the Church. That is where that word come from.

They concept they attribute it to is a passage in the bible about a tenth of the harvest being holy and for God.

If this were conceptualized via African Traditional or Derived religions, that harvest is blessed and thus shared with the community. They would ensure the town/village elders and priests got some as gratitude for their role, then they would give to everyone else.

I don't see that being how it looks on a broad scale when I see it unfold in a Western sense.

Even when giving money, it is part of the offering. Meaning you aren't simply paying the Priest or High Priest for the work, that in turn manifests as a blessing for you.

Offerings though are exchanges of energy. They are given as gratitude for work being done on your behalf to bring about goodness in your life. The Bible itself is full of various sacrifices done for the betterment of the people giving them.

Ebo, as an offering, is not always tangible. When it is tangible, it is usually something that you have access to or your Elder/Priest has access to. Ebo can be action, inaction, or changes in behavior.

Certain ebo go to feeding the earth or nature in some way. Some ebo are eaten by the person being blessed. Some are shared amongst the community. There is no such thing as waste when it comes to us giving our offerings.

All offerings have a significance. Everything has a destiny, include things we think lack consciousness, they too have purpose. You learn offering basics from your Elder, as well as understanding the nature of the thing.

Example - Salt.

In Diasporic religions, salt is used to cleanse. Why? You can use it to help pull out impurities when cleaning your meat.

In Isese it can be used to enhance or elevate. Why? What does salt do to the flavor of your food when used in cooking?

Thus, when asking for blessings using Salt, you lean into its natural Ase.

I asked God once about offerings and if they were by Her design. I received a yes. Offerings show gratitude, commitment, and appreciation. Reciprocity is always a thing.

If you were to ask me, that is the part missing when folks speak on manifestation. You are asking but what are you giving to show gratitude for what you are wanting to receive. People will talk about why their manifestations don't last and, especially black people, no one is indicating their is always an exchange of energy. It doesn't last because there is no exchange.

What's wild is that "they" know this. They simply leave that part out and you eat up their content while ignoring the ones giving you the full picture simply because the aren't using buzz words.

Energy exchange=offerings.

Who do you give an offering to? Start with your Ori. Your Ori is Olodumare (the Creator) in you. Ori literally translates to your Head or consciousness. Ori is who says yes or no to your blessings, divine assistance, etc. Start there.

One last thing I will leave you with is just to reinforce, It doesn't have to be this big elaborate offering to be highly effective. It has to be the right offering. Ifa reminds us to use the right tool for the job. So you may trying to find goat when all you need is a Kola Nut for the ebo to be effective.

How do offerings show up in our religious practice? If you are manifesting with no energy exchange, will ou consider incorporating that into your practice?

Thanks again for reading.

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